Category: Group News
Teng Gao Graduated with Degree of M.S.
Kecheng Wu Graduated with Degree of M.S.
Yibing Zhu Graduated with Degree of M.S.
Jiawei Liu Graduated with Ph.D. Degree
Jiawei Liu graduated in May 2018 with Ph.D. degree. The title of his Ph.D. dissertation is ” Photo-Generated Electrons in Tio2: Properties, Behaviors, Reactions, And Applications”. Dr. Liu will become a Product Development Manager at BASF at Shanghai, China after graduation. Congratulations to Dr. Liu! Dr. Liu’s research in Chuang group. Study…
Wenbin Yin Graduated with Ph.D. Degree
Wenbin Yin graduated in Feb. 2018 with Ph.D. degree. The title of his Ph.D. dissertation is “”. Dr. Yin will become a Battery Design Engineer at BrightVolt at Bloomington, Indiana Area after graduation. Congratulations to Dr. Yin! Dr. Yin’s research in Chuang group: Solid oxide fuel cell Development of direct steam…
Prof. Zhong Li Visited Our Lab

Invited by Dr. Steven Chuang, Dr. Zhong Li, Professor of Taiyuan University of Technology, Shanxi, China, visited our laboratory on August 29, 2016. Prof. Li gave a seminar on “Synthesis of Coal-based Clean Fuel and Chemicals” during his visit. Li toured the research facilities at our research group and Department of Polymer Science.
Prof. Chuang invited to the 11th SATEC
Prof. Chuang was invited to the 11th Sino-American Technology and Engineering Conference (SATEC). The SATEC was first run in 1993, as China’s first platform for technical personnel exchanges with the outside world since reform and opening up.
Ernesto Silva Mojica Graduated with Ph.D. Degree
Dan, Wenbin, and Yuxin Granted Degree of M.S. in Polymer Science
Ms. Dan Huang, Mr. Wenbin Yin and Ms. Yuxin Zhai graduate in May 2014. They earned their degree of Master of Science in Polymer Science after two-year studying. Congratulations!