Thermo Nicolet 6700 FTIR
General Information
- Locations:
- Goodyear Polymer Center 431 (Two spectrometers available)
- Automated gas / flow control and temperature control
- Photocatalysis setup
- Goodyear Polymer Center 810 (Two spectrometers available)
- Automated gas / flow control and temperature control
- Catalysis setup and access to solar simulator
- Goodyear Polymer Center 431 (Two spectrometers available)
Key Facts
- KBr On-Axis Beamsplitter (7800-400 cm-1)
- Equipped with DTGS or MCT detectors
- Available accessories: transmission, diffuse reflectance (including Harrick Scientific Praying Mantis), ATR (single bounce and multibounce)
- Polarizer available for the studies on polymer crystals
- Customized accessories available, including high temperature and high pressure reactors, photochemical and photocatalysis reactors
- Rapid scanning for fast kinetics