Thermo Nicolet iS-50R Research-Grade FTIR Spectrometer
General Information
- Location: Goodyear Polymer Center 431
Key Facts
- XT-KBr On-Axis Beamsplitter (11000-375 cm-1)
- Equipped with both DTGS and MCT-B detectors
- Liquid Nitrogen Cool Wide Range MCT-B Detector w/ KRS-5 window (11700-400 cm-1)
- Available accessories: transmission, diffuse reflectance (including Harrick Scientific Praying Mantis), ATR (single bounce and multibounce)
- Polarizer available for the studies on polymer crystals
- Customized accessories available, including high temperature and high pressure reactors, photochemical and photocatalysis reactors
- Step Scan Control System and SST Electronics
- Rapid scanning for fast kinetics
- 0.09 cm-1 resolution
- Touch Point one-touch sampling operation
- Tungsten-Halogen white light source
- Sealed and Desiccated with KBr sample compartment windows
- OMNIC Series for time-based data collection and analysis software for kinetics and hyphenated techniques
- SST software suite of advanced research tools supporting: FT-IR step-scan amplitude, phase, multiple modulation step-scan time-resolved spectroscopy, dual-channel polarization modulation, phase array operations for dynamic FT-IR data manipulation, and VCD intensity calibration
- SpetraCorr Software for 2-D correlation Spectroscopy
- Total of 30,347 infrared spectra in high resolution format