Thermo Scientific DXR Confocal Raman Microscope
The Thermo Scientific DXR Confocal Raman microscope is a powerful molecular characterization tool for both inorganic and organic materials. With both 780 nm and 532 nm laser excitation kits, it is especially useful for carbon materials (graphite, graphene, carbon nanotubes, etc.), polymers, and battery electrode materials.
General Information
- Location: Goodyear Polymer Center 821
- Contact Person: Long Zhang
Key Facts
- FDA/CDRH Class I laser safe system
- Equipped with 780 nm and 532 nm laser excitation kits (laser source, filter, and grating)
- Research optical microscope (Olympus) with brightfield/darkfield reflection illumination
- Equipped with 10x, 20x, 50x (standard working distance and long working distance), and 100x objectives
- Computer controlled confocal aperture to control spatial and spectral resolution
- Computer and joystick controlled motorized stage with a spatial resolution down to 1 micron
- Confocal depth profiling resolution down to 2 microns
- Full range spectrum in a single exposure eliminates stitching artifacts
- Spectral resolution of 5 cm-1 standard
- 50 cm-1 low-end wavenumber cutoff standard
- Computer controlled stages and spectral acquisition software
- Mapping and hyper-spectral imaging capable
- Surface Enhanced Raman Spectroscopy (SERS) kit available
Useful Information
- Instrument Brochure: Link